Suitability assessments are used to find out what kind of work tasks are suitable for an applicant, the talents of the applicant and how the applicant can develop further.

Why should you use suitability assessments?

Finding a new temporary or permanent employee who is just right for your company can be an expensive and time-consuming process. We will help you minimise the trouble by having trained professionals assess how an applicant is suited for the position you need filled. This will save you not only time but also money as the risk of mistakes in recruiting are diminished. You can also use the assessments to developing your current staff and finding hidden talents, which will make your company work more effectively.

How do we carry out assessments?

We use the CEB (CEB’s SHL Talent Measurement Solutions) suitability assessment tools, which are utilised worldwide. Our suitability assessments are carried out by nationally operating, certified persons, who use the work personality query OPQ and Verify Ability talent tests in the assessments.

We also use Aos Assessment. Its tailored screening tools, such as the situational assessment test, help find the applicants who are likely to act and react to work tasks in the way you want. Online competence tests, on the other hand, bring forth the people whose reasoning abilities are at the level you need. Competence meters indicate the match between the applicant’s abilities and our corporate customer’s needs.

How long will it take?

The applicant performs the suitability assessment tasks using the Internet and results are available right after the completion of the assessment. This makes the process efficient and fast. Please contact us for more information.

You can read more about CEB Talent Measurement Solutions by clicking the logo beneath.

You can read more about Aos Assessment Talent Measurement Solutions by clicking the logo beneath.